EPISO Organizes Nonpartisan Accountability Assembly in Advance of Early Voting for Midterm Elections

[Excerpt below]

EPISO and Border Interfaith quizzed 10 of the candidates vying for seats on the El Paso City Council and County Commissioners Court about their positions on a local jobs program, immigration, infrastructure, and restorative justice Sunday.

The accountability session, an El Paso election season tradition staged by... El Paso Interreligious Sponsoring Organization and Border Interfaith...was held at Christ the Savior Catholic Church...in Northeast El Paso.

Each candidate is asked to give yes or no answers to four questions, and is then given 1.5 minutes to explain their answer. About 300 people attended Sunday's event.

[Photo Credit: Sara Sanchez, El Paso Times]

Details on candidate commitments in first article below.

El Paso City, County Candidates Answer EPISO on Immigration, Infrastructure, More, El Paso Times [pdf]

Oped here, El Paso Times [pdf]

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